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Coaching Business Management

Long-term stable successes and first-class references distinguish us: Coaching processes with board of directors and executives, management training, change-processes.
Whether you want integrative support for your company's reorganisation or looking for further self development or your key people: Wewillassist you!
The result: Long-term success of clarity and room for manoeuvres.

Seminar Offers:

1. Focus Success- Negotiation Training
Joint ventures or projects, communication with employees or customer meetings: A successful negotiation means to illustrate conture and clarity of one owns position and still mobilise sensibility for the opponent. The results are always supported by all and go beyond the sheer ' fight for position'. This you'll learn during our weekend training - with long-term success. Different venues (also in-house).
Friday evening to Sunday.
on request
1350,00 EUR 2. Intensive Coaching
Intensive coaching is an innovative, intensive form of professional support. It serves as ressource orientated, development-supportedadvice and assistence process with the goal to deal -off the job, concentrated for several days reflexive with processes of one owns manager role, life and work perspectives and after a detailed diagnosis apply the noticeable grown, methodically 'tools' of one owns competence, problem orientated and pertinently.
on request

3. Professional Development Centre (EC)
"Assessment" was yesterday. The future is called "EC"! When you think that a pure appreciation or devaluation methods are too superficial & and you want to see precise appraisal done efficient and acceptable; when clarity, perspective& integration are your goals then we can offer you with our EC�san effective successful instrument. We are happy to tlak to you about references and details.
We are profis: Our starting base is your situation and your goals.
Our goal is always your success.
Target Group :
Executives up to TOP-MANAGEMENT; Management Trainees; Companies; intern HR responsible Persons
on request

4. Team Developemnt / Team Training
Good teams are able to cope successfully with specific tasks in a climate of clarity. Differences have neither to be denied nor overlooked, conflicts are to be handled integrative. Beyond 'borders' enough common identity is being felt. In the end unification stands in the foreground. Our experience tells us this will be YOUR result when you as chairperson / chief executive / manager / tream leader/ HR responsible person when you work with us. We are looking forward to dialogue with you!
on request

Christopher Lesko
Alter Finkenkrug 5
D-14612 Falkensee
Telephone 0 33 22 / 4 24 79 20

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